Telecommuting is continuing to very rapidly develop as a normal way of working and is an important Travel Demand Management (TDM) action that could reduce roadway congestion and Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions, and thus saving energy and improving air quality in the region. These actions may also provide tangible benefits to both employers and employees. This study considers three distinct dimensions of telecommuting: (i) options to telecommute (ii) choice of telecommuting and (iii) frequency of telecommuting. The first dimension “option to telecommute” represents a supply side of telecommuting and is related to whether are not employees are provided the opportunity to telecommute by their employers. We have explored the impact of work attributes (industry type, work arrangements, workers education etc.) along with land use and built environment factors on options to telecommute. The second (choice) and third (frequency) dimensions of telecommuting together represent a demand side of telecommuting and were defined conditional on eligibility of telecommuting and corresponds to employee’s adoption ( or choice) of telecommuting. The dataset used in this study is from the 2011 Household Travel Survey. The survey provided a series of questions about telecommuting. For example: the questions about “opportunity of telecommute” ran as: “Do you have the option of working at home instead of going into your primary workplace?”; “How many times in the last month did you work only at home for an entire work day instead of traveling to your primary usual workplace?” . These subsequent questions allowed us to construct dimensions of telecommuting. We also have prepared a set of traffic analysis zones (TAZ) level land use, built environment and accessibility variables to investigate the effects of land use and built environment characteristics on opportunity and choice of telecommuting. Expected contributions of this study are: 1) the model can be used the telecommuting trend in Southern California region 2) the model can be integrated to ABM (Activity Based Model ) system and 3) it can enhance policy analysis capability of the modeling tool.