Austin is known for its music, its technology, its top-notch universities, and ... its traffic. In 2014, Austin had the dubious honor of ranking 4th on the INRIX list of the 10 most congested U.S. cities. As part of a concerted effort to improve how demand is managed on the system, this project focused on the travel patterns associated with one specific worker group: state employees who work in the Austin downtown area. The research sought to isolate travel generated by state employees as a first step in a larger question of how to better address system demand, the focus given that most state agencies are located in the downtown or core area of Austin and those workers have a set daily schedule that is largely in-office at this time. Multiple data sources were used to estimate the state worker impact, including the use of state facility data to identify employment densities and ACS/CTPP for worker residential data and commuter flow patterns. In a separate part of the analysis, INRIX’s data analytic tool was used to evaluate differences in congestion, comparing differences in congestion levels by day or month of the year and also for specific points in time where the difference in congestion could generally be attributed to specific state holidays (such as LBJ’s birthday). The results show differences in congestion on these specific dates as expected, but sometimes with unexpected results that appear to be related to Austin-area large-scale events occurring.